Crowdfunding Appeal – Special Tour by Alexander Stoddard

Alexander Stoddart, internationally acclaimed Sculptor and the Patron of the Friends of Glasgow Necropolis is taking a tour of the Glasgow Necropolis this Saturday (27th August) at 3pm.

This is our final push for our Monteath Crowdfunding Appeal, and this extra special tour is being undertaken by Alexander Stoddart, who is doing so as our Patron to support this fundraising Appeal.This is a rare opportunity and we would encourage you, if possible, to be particularly generous with your donations.

Booking Information

Prior booking is essential
Please book by sending an e-mail to and put ‘Alexander Stoddart Tour’ in the subject.

To donate online please visit:

To donate by text:

TEXT : FOGN50 : followed by £ options – £1, £5, £10, £20, £30, £40, £50, £100 TO 70070

For example: ‘FOGN50 £5’ to donate £5. If you wish to Gift Aid your donation please REPLY to the Gift Aid text.

To donate by cheque:

Please download and complete this form

Alternatively donations can simply be made on the day of the tour

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